One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly.
Our menu

Victoria’s Filet Mignon & Lobster Tail
Our tender, juicy filet paired with a steamed lobster tail. Served with your choice of signature potato and one freshly made side.
New York Strip
Seasoned with an herb crust, served with au jus and handcarved to order.
Chop Steak & Mushrooms Salad
Our tender, juicy filet paired with a steamed lobster tail. Served with your choice of signature potato and one freshly made side.
Chicken Tuna
Seasoned with an herb crust, served with au jus and handcarved to order.
Flat Iron Steak & Grilled tomatos
Our tender, juicy filet paired with a steamed lobster tail. Served with your choice of signature potato and one freshly made side.
Slow-Roasted Prime Rib
Seasoned with an herb crust, served with au jus and handcarved to order.
Chili Steak & Grilled Shrimps
Our tender, juicy filet paired with a steamed lobster tail. Served with your choice of signature potato and one freshly made side.
The Chef's Choice From the Grill
Seasoned with an herb crust, served with au jus and handcarved to order.
Crab Cake & Fried Mushrooms
Our tender, juicy filet paired with a steamed lobster tail. Served with your choice of signature potato and one freshly made side.
Slow-Roasted Prime Rib
Seasoned with an herb crust, served with au jus and handcarved to order.
Victoria’s Filet Mignon & Lobster Tail
Our tender, juicy filet paired with a steamed lobster tail. Served with your choice of signature potato and one freshly made side.
T-Bone Steak & Walnut Salad
Seasoned with an herb crust, served with au jus and handcarved to order.
Caesar Salad with Fried Chicken
Our tender, juicy filet paired with a steamed lobster tail. Served with your choice of signature potato and one freshly made side.
Avocado Crab Stack
Seasoned with an herb crust, served with au jus and handcarved to order.
Ranch Salad & Chips
Our tender, juicy filet paired with a steamed lobster tail. Served with your choice of signature potato and one freshly made side.
Prime Cuts of Beef
Seasoned with an herb crust, served with au jus and handcarved to order.
New! Juicy Grilled Steaks With Fried Vegetables
Tender, juicy shrimp and lobster are hand breaded, then tossed with green onions, cilantro and jalapeños. Served with chili lime dipping sauce.
New! Chorizo Sandwiches with Greens
Tender, juicy shrimp and lobster are hand breaded, then tossed with green onions, cilantro and jalapeños. Served with chili lime dipping sauce.
New! Cripsy Lobster & Shrimp Bites
Tender, juicy shrimp and lobster are hand breaded, then tossed with green onions, cilantro and jalapeños. Served with chili lime dipping sauce.